Lesson 1:
Why establish a trust estate in the first place?
What Information Do You Need To Gather?
What Types Of Trusts Can Make Up A Trust Estate
What Parties Make Up A Trust and What Are Their Roles?
What Is An Estate and What Assets Should Be Included In an Estate?
Trusts Are All About Managing Relationships!!
Separating You, Your Relationships, and Your Stuff from the ADVERSARIAL SYSTEM!!!
Titles and Certificates of Title; What do They Mean, What Rights do They Confer?
What are the Rules of a Trust and Who Makes the Rules?
What Does it Mean to be an Indentured Trustee/Servant?
What does it take to be a Good Trustee/Steward?
Who Benefits from the Trust Relationship and What are Their Rights?
What is the Meaning of Ownership?
What is the Subject Matter of a Trust?
Who has Subject Matter Jurisdiction over Trust Assets and Why?
What is Stewardship and why is it Important to be a good Steward?
To Operate in Private, Managing Your Trusts Must Become a Part of Your Everyday Life!
Get out your Inventory List! It is time to organize your Estate structure and start transferring RES from the PUBLIC TRUST to your Private Trust!!
Why is Your Will So Important? What is the Difference between a Living Will, Last Will and Free Will?
Time to Separate "You" (a Man or Woman) from the STATE.... Have you ever heard the term separation of CHURCH and STATE?
Now take CONTROL of that pesky STRAWMAN with a Change in MANAGEMENT... and Pass-Through all RES/SUBJECT MATTER from the PUBLIC to the Private!!!
How are you going to Manage all these Trusts and maintain Privacy? Management Trust!!
Are you Married or Getting Married? You need a Ketubah (Marriage Trust)
Do you have Children? They each deserve the Trust of Their Parents!!
Do you have a Business or want to start one? Trust vs. CORPORATION?
Associations and Foundations; Working Together and Working to accomplish a common goal!!!
Creating a Legacy; Leave an inheritance for your children and your children's children!
Family Banking Trusts and Trust Funds
Insurance Trusts and who benefits
Don't keep all your assets into one basket or Trust!! Asset holding Trusts
Structuring your Estate for Privacy through layering like an onion!!!
Don't make any more contracts with the ADVERSARIAL STATEM if you want to remain Private and Set-Apart!!!
All Relationships are built on Trust create Trust agreements! The Law between the Parties arises from the Trust Agreement !!
The Adversarial PUBLIC TRUST LOVES WIN/LOSE Unconscionable CONTRACTS! All your trusts are Win/Win and Equitable!
What are the Equitable Principles that are Recognized Worldwide? Keep these in Mind when creating your Trusts!!!
Accounting, Minutes, Registry and Other Evidences!
Conveying Property Into Your Trusts
Picking Trustworthy Trustees or Train Them Up to Take over Someday!!!
Trust without Deeds is Dead; If you are not working and walking in your trust in will do you no good!!!
Study to Show Yourself Approved a Workman that need not be Ashamed; Study your indenture, it is the key to managing it all!!
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